Monday, October 25, 2010

Taking Care of the Truth of the Gospel

In the first chapter of Romans, the first epistle of Paul that We are introduced to in the doctrinal section of the Holy Bible, there is a statement that goes overlooked by our modern western society, yet is most important to our Holy Faith, the faith that must be preserved blameless, and without spot to the next generation of Believers, not only that, but to All that are New Creations in Christ Jesus, our Lord. The scripture focus for today is found in Romans 1:25;
"who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen."  We almost always overlook this principle as we tie it almost exclusively to the previous verse, most egregiously passing over a concept that should be understood by All who are Christ's bondservant.  The consequence is listed first and then the principle behind it.  We must NOT exchange the Truth of God for a lie, the lie that seduces us into a materialistic world of bondage to a system of selfishness and a myopic view of God. We must keep the Truth in our heart as precious gold, and allow our Father to deliver us from the evil that has defined our lives until we come to Christ Jesus. There is no place for covetousness and greed in the Gospel message. Many will preach a false gospel for personal gain. They will always get the best airtime, the best seat in the house, and the best they can from the pockets of those that are hungry and thirsty for the gospel of Christ.  Fame is subject to vanity and must be fought with diligent prayer to dissuade the enemy. Fortune is a millstone that should be resisted by any true Believer in the Lord's providence. Let us consider the example of John Wesley, who having millions come through his hand, invested it all into the gospel and changed lives. Some may have done well in business and coming to a true rebirth in Christ, will have a tool to help further the cause of Christ in this world. Some may gain much through a Ministry of God. I pray you use it wisely as understanding your responsibility to give account for the stewardship of  the gospel of our most blessed Savior,who died and gave Himself for us all.

The truth of Christ is precious and has been paid by many Saints before us to preserve it in it's entirety and depth. I pray we consider this in the days ahead. Maranatha

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