Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Do You Have A “Microwave Mentality” Or A “Slow-cooker Spirituality”? by James Petticrew

After trying to find the source of the quote for a friend, I have been mulling over some words of from my spiritual mentor from three centuries ago, John Wesley and I thought I would share some thoughts. The quote is Wesley's warning of the danger of expecting ". . . the end without the means; the expecting knowledge, for instance, without searching the Scriptures, and consulting the children of God; expecting spiritual strength without constant prayer and steady watchfulness; exp ecting any blessing without hearing the word of God at every opportunity."

I think what Wesley is warning against is what I would call a “Microwave Mentality” when it comes to spirituality, to living as a Christian and specifically spiritual growth. You know the scenario when it comes to ready meals, you bung the food in the microwave hit the button, it gets zapped and it’s ready. He never encountered a microwave but its pretty obvious Wesley must have met a few Christians who had a microwave understanding of spiritual growth. They wanted a “zap” from the Holy Spirit and for everything to be put right or put in place in their lives almost instantaneously. They wanted to know God and His ways without having to put up with or put the effort into the painstaking effort of reading his word and struggling with its meaning and implications. They wanted a deep relationship with Christ without having to bother with time consuming prayer. I know as a pastor I have met believers with this kind of “microwave mentality” when it comes to spirituality. People who think like this just want the right kind “move of the Spirit” to bring about the desired affect in their lives without having to contribute any effort themselves. The outcome is that they constantly chase "experiences" as the answer to all their problems and that often leads to frustration and imbalance.

Wesley very wisely said that there were “appointed means,” ways in which God had in His wisdom given us, to help us grow spirituality. Today we call them “spiritual disciplines” or “means of grace”. So, for instance, He has given us His Word and prayer as the primary but not exclusive way we are to hear His Voice. He has connected us in Christian fellowship as the normal way for us to receive support, care, encouragement and accountability. The problem for some of us is that these “appointed means” require time and effort and they don’t usually give instantaneous results. This just doesn’t suit many of us today very well. Even more so than in Wesley’s days we want the “end without the means” we want quick results with no effort, we want microwave spirituality, zap and its done.

We need to remember that Wesley certainly wasn't against powerful personal touches from the Holy Spirit. In fact he often spoke of his own “heart warming” experience of God and theologians have recognised that one the unique characteristics of his theology for his time was an emphasis on experience. Wesley recognised that God does some times touch our lives in a powerful way and that such moves of the Holy Spirit are helpful and even at times necessary. However he understood that these "experiences" were not replacements for the normal spiritual disciplines and means for grace through which God shapes us and deepens our relationship with Him but supplements.

Thinking this through I have come to the conclusion that God has more of a “slow cooker spirituality” in mind for us. Ann quite often bungs some meat and veg in our slow cooker and over the hours it slowly cooks becomes tender and releases its flavour. I know that I prefer a meal from the slow cooker rather than something from the microwave, it seems to have a deeper fuller flavour. Similarly, “slow-cooker” spirituality might take time and effort buts its results are worth the time and effort. So let’s not avoid those moments when God comes and touches us in a powerful and personal ways, we should accept those precious moments as gifts from God but at the same time let’s not chase them as effortless substitutes that allow us to bypass the adventure of getting to know God through the ways He has provided for us.

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